Dr.Kamal Baha

Dr.Kamal Baha

  • Computer-assisted Language Learning
  • Educational Technology
  • Morphological Analysis
  • Natural Language Processing
  • System Development Methodology

วารสารตีพิมพ์เผยแพร่ :

(1) Kamal Baha, Makoto Shishido, “Development of Word-Level Classification and Vocabulary Meaning System”, International Journal of Information and Education Technology (IJIET). Vol. 12, No.11(2022), P.1205 – P.1210.

(2) Kamal Baha, Makoto Shishido, “Development of Vocabulary Study System and Measurement of its Effect”, Submitted to International Journal on E-Learning (IJEL), Vol. 33, No.4(2022), P.05 – P.18.

ผลงานวิจัย : 


  • 2563 ระบบสารสนเทศเพื่อการปฏิบัติงานของนิสิตช่วยปฏิบัติงานวิชาการ คณะวิทยาการสารสนเทศ แหล่งทุน เงินรายได้จากส่วนงาน งบประมาณ 40,000 คณะวิทยาการสารสนเทศ สำนักงานคณบดี มหาวิทยาลัยบูรพา ชลบุรี

บทความตีพิมพ์เผยแพร่ :

(1) Kamal Baha, Makoto Shishido, “Development of Vocabulary Study System and Measurement of its Effect”, EdMedia + Innovate Learning Online, Association for the advancement of computing in Education (AACE, USA) ,2022.11.

(2) Kamal Baha, Makoto Shishido, “Development of a Word-Level Classification and Vocabulary Learning (WCVL) System”, The 23rd International Symposium on Advanced Intelligent Systems (SCIS&ISIS2022.), 2022.11.

(3) Kamal Baha, Makoto Shishido, “Development of Vocabulary Study System and Measurement of its Effect”, The Barcelona Conference on Education (BCE2022) (Online, Spain), 2022.09.

(4) Kamal Baha, Makoto Shishido, “Developing English Vocabulary Study Support System Based on Constructivism Learning Theory”, The Association for Natural Language Processing Conference (NLP2022) (Online, Japan), 2022.03.

(5) Kamal Baha, Makoto Shishido, “Development of English Text Analysis and Vocabulary Level Checking System”, The JSET Autumn Conference 2019, Nagoya Congress Center, Nagoya Japan, 2019.09 .

(6) Kamal Baha, Makoto Shishido, “Development of English Text Analysis and Vocabulary Level Checking System”, The 34th Annual Conference of JSET, Tohoku University, Tohoku Japan, 2018.09.


  • Baha, K., Yookwan, W. (2024). Phonetic Reading and Lexical Classification (PRLC) System using Language Morphological Analysis Model. In 16th International Conference on Knowledge and Smart Technology (KST 2024) (pp.1-6)
  • Yookwan, W., Chinnasarn, K., Baha, K., Srikamdee, S., Onuean, A. (2023). Fundus Image Registration Based on Extremal Regions of Extremum Levels. In The 7th International Conference on Information Technology (InCIT 2023) (pp.1-5)

D.Eng. (Graduate School of Advanced Science and Technology) Tokyo Denki University, Japan

M.Env. (Graduate School of Information Environment) Tokyo Denki University, Japan

B.Inf.Env. (Department of Information Environment) Tokyo Denki University, Japan